Cervical mucus before Period

Cervical mucus is a semi fluid vaginal discharge in women. It is very usual to have cervical mucus to women, though it may vary from person to person. The common consistency of this fluid is like egg white and the color is transparent. The fluid is very much essential for women to conceive. After  intercourse, the cervical mucus helps the sperms to move easily towards the egg and thus the egg gets fertile which increases the chance for conception.

The cervical mucus discharge will be different in texture and consistency before periods. Women often keep a notice of this vaginal discharge to check on their pregnancy. Cervical mucus is highly useful for the fertilization process. But there are different forms of cervical mucus and some are considered to be fertile and some are infertile.

Cervical mucus before period is found in different types in every woman. When the woman is about to have her period; the color, texture and also the consistency is changed. The cervical mucus is released in maximum quantity just before five days of ovulation. Just few days before the ovulation, the cervical gland gets stimulated to secrete this cervical fluid. This cervical mucus works to moisten the walls of the women vagina. Mainly before periods there are two types of cervical mucus visible. One is called as fertile and the other one is known as infertile cervical mucus. The types of cervical mucus which are seen before periods are discussed here briefly-

Fertile cervical mucus

There are two main types of fertile cervical mucus-

Egg white cervical mucus

In all types of cervical mucus, egg white cervical mucus is the most fertile fluid. Egg white cervical mucus helps the sperm to swim very comfortably in to the cervix. This type of cervical mucus is very much look like egg white consistency, the color is transparent. The texture is stretchable and can be seen in between two finger tips. The egg white cervical mucus is considered to be the most appropriate fluid for fertilization.

Watery cervical mucus

The watery cervical mucus is also known as second best fluid for conception. In this, the sperm reaches the cervix without any obstacles. In watery cervical mucus, the job of sperm is not that easy as compared to egg white cervical mucus. In this, you may get a feeling as you have leaked some urine in your underwear but it’s not the case; it is a kind of watery fluid discharge. As the name suggests, it has watery consistency and also transparent in color. It does not stick to the finger tips.

Infertile cervical mucus

Other types of cervical mucus are infertile cervical mucus. They are discussed as under-

Creamy cervical mucus

This is known as creamy cervical mucus because the consistency of this mucus is creamy. It is opaque and the color is white or yellowish white. Because of its thick creamy texture it does not allow the sperm to swim properly to the cervix. The movements of the sperm are restricted.

Sticky cervical mucus

Sticky cervical mucus is also known as tacky cervical mucus and is considered to the least fertile mucus. The consistency of this mucus is thick and sticky as it sticks to the finger tips. It has a feeling like glue and thus is not at all fertile fluid. The movement of sperm becomes hard in this fluid and becomes difficult to reach to the cervix.

Keep Track of the menstrual cycle

It should be noted that cervical mucus does not change only before periods but it also changes although the menstrual cycle. The reproductive hormones are mainly responsible for the change in cervical mucus throughout the menstrual cycle. You will notice the change in color, consistency and texture. Few days before the period. the consistency of cervical mucus is sticky and tacky. You will have dry mucus or no mucus at all, which usually indicates that soon you will have periods. This will also happen just after you will complete your periods on 6th to 9th days before ovulation. Whereas, during ovulation you will notice the cervical mucus is transparent and slippery with an egg white texture. This time is considered to be best for conception.

Important things to know about the cervical mucus

It is advisable to ladies to check on their cervical mucus during bowel movement to obtain a good sample. You may also get confused having egg white consistency fluid discharge just before periods. In such cases, it is advisable to see your doctor. Few drugs are harmful to women which lead to infertile cervical mucus. If you are consuming drugs like Clomid then you must take medical advice. It is difficult for some women to keep a good track on their cervical mucus because they produce fertile cervical mucus all throughout the cycle. This may confuse them making it difficult to identify their cervical mucus.