Itchy Tongue

There are many factors that can cause an itchy tongue. The most common causes along with the symptoms and treatment options for the condition are discussed below.


Some of the common signs and symptoms that accompany an itchy tongue are listed below:

  • The mouth, throat, and tongue may experience dryness and tingling sensation. The degree of these symptoms varies as per the causative factors of itchy tongue. If it occurs due to hay fever, then patients may suffer from itchiness in the mouth, throat, and lips as well.
  • It caused by allergic reactions can result in bleeding and blisters on the tongue. People with OAS/oral allergy syndrome or food allergies may elicit burning or heat sensations on the tongue.
  • Intake of raw vegetables and/or spices can trigger burning sensations on the tongue.
  • There may be reddish bumps on the tongue. This may occur along with swelling of tongue, especially after commencing the intake of meals.
  • The condition may sometimes occur with fissures or ridges on tongue. This condition is known as geographic tongue. Often, food and spice allergies contribute to the formation of cuts on tongue, which eventually results in such ridges.
  • Swelling and itchiness in tongue may be accompanies by sudden swelling of lips and/or mouth. This is more so in case of allergic reactions to foods.
  • The tongue may be sore

Causes of itchy tongue

The condition can occur due to minor reasons or serious underlying diseases like diabetes. Some of the common causes are as follows:

  • The tongue has several tiny gaps where food debris, bacteria, and dead cells can accumulate and cause itchiness. Proper dental hygiene can help prevent this.
  • Allergic reactions, especially food allergies, can cause itchiness and burning feelings on the tongue. Most people are allergic to foods like nuts, spices, etc. Patients have to remember the foods that cause allergic reactions and avoid them.
  • Aphthous mouth ulcers may cause an itchy tongue as a symptom. The ulcers may develop directly on the tongue or in other areas of the oral cavity. Ulcers can form due to increased stress, anxiety, eating hard foods or those with sharp edges, and accidental biting of tongue or cheek.
  • Excessive smoking or alcohol abuse can cause dry mouth and soreness and itchiness of tongue. The chemicals in tobacco smoke and in alcohol can irritate the oral cavity and the tongue and trigger different conditions like infections, ulcers, etc. which are often marked by such a condition.
  • Diabetics often suffer from a furry white or yellowish coated tongue along with itchiness and burning sensations. Diabetics are also vulnerable to developing yeast infections in the mouth, like oral thrush.
    • In addition to itchy tongue, oral thrush is marked by bitter taste in mouth, bleeding or redness in tongue or mouth; oral discomfort or pain; discolored patches on tongue, back of mouth, inner cheeks, throat, and/or lips; tongue irritation; cracked lip corners; and a yellowish or whitish creamy textured coat on the tongue.
  • Oral herpes or Candida infection may cause itchy tongue along with tingling sensations. Herpes infection of the mouth may also affect the lips and other parts of the mouth.
  • Canker sores are open sores in mouth. They are whitish or yellowish tiny sores and may be surrounded by infected areas. It is caused due to presence of cuts or tears in the skin of lips, gums, mouth, inner cheeks, or tongue. People with weak immune systems, emotional stress, viral infections, or vitamin deficiencies are more vulnerable to developing the condition.
  • Hormone fluctuations during pregnancy can also cause burning sensations and itchiness in the area along with swollen lips.


The treatment is dependent on the underlying causative condition. A few treatment options are listed below:

  • Allergic reactions are treated with antihistamines and other anti-allergy medications. An itchiness in the tongue along with other severe allergic symptoms like breathing problems, etc., needs emergency medical care.
  • Bacterial, fungal, and viral infections are treated with antibiotics and other antibacterial medicines, anti-fungal drugs, and anti-viral medications respectively.
  • Cleaning the mouth and tongue with an antiseptic mouthwash can help ease inflammation of tongue. Additional swelling may be alleviated with corticosteroids and other an-to-inflammatory medications.
  • Canker Sores and associated itchy tongue treatments include avoiding hot and spicy foods; eating a diet rich in folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron; application of milk of magnesia on the tongue; taking iron supplements; temporary alleviation of pain by using hydrogen peroxide on the tongue sores; and gargling with salt water to reduce the risk of infections.

Itchy Tongue – Home Remedies  

Home remedies include application of ground flax seed and yogurt paste; keeping cold apple juice in mouth to relieve pain in throat and itchiness, burning sensations, and irritation of the tongue; chewing ice chips for a couple of minutes; and/or application of aloe vera, lavender oil, or raw honey.