Rotten Egg (Sulfur) Burps

Also called sulfur burps, rotten egg burps refer to burps, or gas removal from mouth, that are smelly like rotten eggs. Such burps are generally a symptom of some underlying condition marked by excessive levels of smelly hydrogen sulfide gas production in the gut.

Eating protein-rich foods and meat is the most prevalent cause of rotten egg burps. Intestinal bacteria break down these proteins during digestion and produce hydrogen sulfide as by-product which may then get orally released as sulfur burps.

Stomach enzymes also help process meat proteins. Varied digestive system issues may lead to deficits in stomach enzymes. In such cases, all meat protein gets metabolized by intestinal bacteria, thereby leading to release of higher amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas, frequent rotten egg burps, and smelly farts

Everyone can experience rotten egg burps, but it is more prevalent in pregnant women as digestive processes slow down during pregnancy.

Sulfur burps are harmless; however patients need to visit a doctor if it occurs along with nausea, vomiting, etc. This is because additional symptoms may be an indication of gastrointestinal conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc.

Causes of rotten egg burps

Listed below are some common causes of rotten egg burgs:

  • The diet
    • Eating a protein-abundant diet, especially in large amounts, is one of the most common causes of rotten egg burps.
    • Some protein rich foods include poultry products, chicken, red meat, eggs, dairy items, bananas, avocados, sweet potato, watermelon, asparagus, legumes, spinach, cauliflower, onions, and broccoli.
    • Food habits like eating protein rich four course meals is another prevalent cause. Overeating is often marked by gulping down of large amounts of food, which then takes longer to digest and tends to stay and rot in the gut and stomach. This may trigger increased release of gas and its removal as smelly farts and sulfur burps. Bad breath is another common symptom.
  • Infections of the gastrointestinal tract
    • Different kinds of germs can cause infections of the intestines and/or stomach. The infections typically occur due to eating/drinking contaminated food or water. Food contamination can occur due to improper or undercooking food, unhygienic food handling, cooking or storage facilities, bad personal hygiene, etc.
    • pylori bacterial infection of the stomach lining can damage it and result in development of ulcers. Such ulcers can then trigger release of increased amounts of gas which then get removed as rotten egg burps. Ulcer induced smelly burps are also referred to as ulcer burps
    • Infection of the gastrointestinal tract by giardia parasite is known as giardiasis. It causes a variety of mild and severe health problems, including rotten egg burps.
  • Food Allergy/Food Intolerance
    • Food intolerance refers to inability of the gut to digest certain types of food. Food allergy refers to an adverse immune system response after intake of certain foods. In both cases, patients may suffer from adverse symptoms like rotten egg burps, skin rash, flatulence, etc.
    • Lactose intolerance is one of the most widespread forms of food intolerance. Affected people cannot digest milk or dairy products, i.e., lactose or milk sugars. Sulfur burps and other symptoms occur after ingestion of such dairy items.
  • Gastrointestinal system conditions
    • Rotten egg burps may also occur as a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases like IBS, acid reflux, GERD, Crohn’s disease, and pancreatitis, etc. These conditions may cause additional symptoms like vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and pain or discomfort in the stomach.
    • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a type of digestive system ailment caused by changes in the fragile balance of gut bacteria. A fine balance is maintained between good bacteria, bad bacteria, and other types of bacteria in the intestines. This balance can get disturbed or altered due to infections, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, etc. Subsequently, there is overgrowth of bacteria which leads to rotten egg burgs and other symptoms.
  • Other causes
    • Gastroparesis is a condition of slow passage of food from stomach to the intestines. It can occur due to varied factors. Delayed transit time can cause food to stay in stomach for long periods, thereby triggering increased production of hydrogen sulfide gas and its release from body as rotten egg burps
    • Intake of sulfa drugs or other medications with sulfur, like antibiotics, for prolonged periods can cause rotten egg burps as a side effect. Check the label to find if a medicine has sulfur as an ingredient


Listed below are options of medical treatment, home remedies, and self-care measures for rotten egg burps:

  • Antibiotics for treatment of bacterial infections of the digestive system
  • Pepto-Bismol tablets can reduce production of hydrogen sulfide gas
  • Avoiding foods that trigger sulfur burps. These include protein abundant foods, sugary foods, caffeinated beverages, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, canned foods, and alcohol.
  • Warm water with honey-lemon or herbal tea after eating food may help prevent the burps
  • Drinking adequate levels of water can help maintain health of the digestive system and prevent gastrointestinal issues