
Blood Taste In Mouth

Many people can experience tasting of blood in their mouth. This taste is usually metallic because of the presence of iron in the blood, a mineral that is used to make hemoglobin. Blood in your mouth can occur when you accidentally bite your tongue. This [Read More]

What are Basophils in a Blood Test?

What is the function of basophils? Basophils are a type of WBC or white blood cell granulocytes. They are the largest kind of WBC granulocytes but also the least common kind. They were discovered by German physician and Nobel Prize winner Paul Ehrlich in 1879. [Read More]

Blood in Urine (Female) – No Pain

The human body dispels nearly 3 million red blood cells from the body via urine on a daily basis. These RBCs are usually dead, old, or inefficiently functioning cells. Sometimes, abnormal levels of RBCs are passed out along with urine. This condition is known as [Read More]

Blood in Urine (Male) – No Pain

Blood in urine in men can occur due to a variety of different causes, some harmless and some due to underlying diseases. It can occur with or without pain. The condition of blood in urine is medically referred to as hematuria. The occurrence of blood [Read More]

Blood in Urine (Females)

The medical term for the condition of blood in urine is ‘hematuria.’ Women may suffer from blood in urine due to simple causes such as use of certain medicines or as a symptom of some severe underlying disease. It may be noted that old, inefficient, [Read More]

How long do Opiates stay in your Urine?

Opiates are fat-soluble opioid narcotic alkaloids that are obtained from the poppy opium plant. Different components of the poppy opium plant, including codeine and morphine, as well as varied compounds that are obtained from such components, such as oxycodone, heroin, and other synthetic opiates, can [Read More]