
Leukocytes in Urine (No Nitrates)

Leukocytes are what are commonly known as white blood cells. The old and damaged WBCs tend to get eliminated from the body in small amounts along with urine. Thus, leukocytes in urine is usually thought to be normal. When nitrates are detected in urine via [Read More]

Zika Fever

The World Health Organization declared Zika a world health emergency. Zika is the latest virus to hit the people of Brazil and also other parts of Africa and America. The head of the Pan American Health Organization stressed that more resources were needed quickly in the region to fight this disease. [Read More]

Zika Virus

The bite of an infected Aedes mosquito causes Zika virus. The illness is associated with symptoms lasting from a few days to a week. The symptoms are fever, rash, joint pains and inflammation of the eyes or better called conjunctivitis. The first case of Zika was confirmed in May [Read More]


Microcephaly is a disorder characterized by small size of skull and associated less development of brain. The size of head is compared with that of infants of the same age and sex. This can be caused either due to incomplete growth of brain in womb [Read More]

Low Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is an essential and powerful hormone in the body of a human being with numerous and far reaching functions and effects on its systems. It has the ability to control sex drive (libido), regulate sperm, promote muscle mass, increase energy levels, and influence certain [Read More]

Sweet Taste in Mouth

The change of taste in the mouth is known as dysgeusia.This can be brought about by quite a number of causes. The constant feeling of sweetness in the mouths even if you avoid eating sweet things it is not a normal occurrence. The sweet taste [Read More]

Retracted Eardrum

Many might wonder what the doctor means when they say a person has a retracted eardrum. It is. a condition in which one part of the eardrum is found deeper in the ear than the normal required position. The eardrum is made up of two [Read More]

Enlarged Papillae

Papillae refer to the little structure that looks like thread that occur on the tongue naturally. The Enlarged papillae can be of the following types: Fungiform papillae: These are most often scattered on the whole tongue but more on the sides or the tip of the [Read More]

My wrist hurts when I bend it

Pain in the wrist while bending or moving it often happens to people due to various reasons. At times it is possible that it might have been hurt without us realizing it. However if the pain persists it is recommended to seek a doctor’s help [Read More]

Orange Oily Stool

Orange oily stool is due to the presence of excess fat in the stool. Due to heavy gas, stools may tend to float. How much fecal fat constitutes streatorrhea (fat in stool) has not been standardized. Causes of orange oily stool There are many causes [Read More]