
What is Hydroureteronephrosis?

Hydroureteronephrosis  is a condition marked by dilation and distention of the kidneys’ urinary collecting system, i.e., the calices, renal pelvis, and infundibula. It is typically caused due to blockages to the free outflow of urine from the kidneys. It is a term used for the [Read More]

Coughing up White Phlegm

Phlegm is mucus expelled out through cough. It is also known as sputum. Lining of respiratory passage contains mucus to keep it moist and also to trap dust and microbes. As air passes through respiratory tract, it has a drying effect on tract, but mucus [Read More]

Why does my sweat smell like vinegar?

Perspiration is a normal physiological process and is essential for a healthy human body. Through sweat the body gets rid of certain toxic or waste material. Sweat is always accompanied with a slight to strong smell depending on the body type and other physiological factors. [Read More]

Urine Smells Like Coffee

Urine may indicate the inner working of body. Examining the look and smell of urine may give you some hint on what is happening inside your body. It can function as a warning system for health problems you might be having. When you have urine [Read More]

Red Spots on Roof of Mouth

Sores inside lip and tongue, in the mouth, red spots inside nose etc; are painful but the red spots on the roof of mouth near nose and lips not only gives a shabby look but can also be a concern for an individual suffering with [Read More]

What Causes Frothy Urine?

Many people are concerned about the look and appearance of their urine. There is every reason to worry when you notice something unusual about your urine. However, sometimes, it is just something temporary and not of major concern. When you pass foamy or frothy urine, [Read More]

White Particles in Urine

Normal healthy urine is typically clear and devoid of varied pathogens or foreign matter. White particles in urine can be a symptom of a variety of different conditions. For example, pregnant women tend to experience the elimination of protein and white leukocytes in urine as [Read More]

Why Does it Hurt When I Swallow?

There are many reasons why it may hurt when a person swallows. Some of the most common causes are listed below. Throat pain when swallowing Listed below are some of the causes why the throat may hurt when swallowing: Glandular fever: The illness is caused [Read More]

White Specks in Stool

Many people complain about spotting white specks in their stool which isn’t that rare a problem. Different foods or medications could be the major reason behind this problem. The normal stool color is brownish as the bile salts, and other digestive agents are made by [Read More]

Red Dots on Roof of Mouth

Sores and spots in the mouth can be one of the most unpleasant and annoying experiences. The spots can appear inside the mouth such as on the roof, on the lips, gums and even on the palate. Other kinds of spots can also appear outside [Read More]