Some of the main causes of estrogen dominance include increased environmental estrogen, adrenal fatigue, poor diet, stress, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and increased estrogen given during HRT or hormone replacement therapy.
Discussed below are different aspects of an estrogen dominance diet that can help limit the condition and aid the recovery process.
Estrogen dominance diet
Diet modifications is one of the best ways to reduce the risk to estrogen dominance as well as treat the condition. Listed below are some items that need to be included or excluded from an estrogen dominance diet:
- Fiber: A diet that is rich in fiber tends to reduce the levels of blood estrogen. This is because excess estrogen gets removed from the body via the bowels. Presence of stool in the colon for prolonged periods leads to reabsorption of estrogen. Hence, increase the intake of fiber in your estrogen dominance diet to have regular bowel movements. Apples, celery, oatmeal, berries, seeds, nuts, and varied beans are some common fiber-abundant foods.
- Foods good for the liver: Liver acts as a filtering organ that removes harmful matter from blood, including excess estrogen, and sends them to the excretory organs. Impaired functioning of liver can cause estrogen and toxin accumulation in the system. Hence, eating foods that facilitate the health of the liver can help overcome estrogen dominance.Eating a balanced diet full of proteins, dairy, eggs, fish, and muscle meats help create balance of amino acids; amino acids improve the detoxification abilities of the liver.
- Organic foods: Organically source different kinds of vegetables, fruits, and even lean meats. Organic food are grown without added hormones or pesticides and thus do not burden the liver with detoxification of excess estrogen or toxins from the system. Go for organic milk and meat that are ‘hormone free’.Xenoestrogens are estrogens present in environmental sources such as plastics, pesticides, perfumes, and detergents. Hence, ensure to thoroughly wash foods that are not organic so as to rinse them of any residual pesticides.
- Sulfur rich foods: Egg yolks, garlic, and onions, etc. contain sulfur. The sulfur compounds of these foods enhance the liver’s capacity to eliminate toxins and medications that may cause liver damage.Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cruciferous vegetables may also be added to the estrogen dominance diet as it aids liver function. However, since they also have large quantities of phytoestrogens, limit their intake to 2 to 3 times a week.Foods such as lime, lemon, leafy greens, and spinach also help in the liver detox process.
- Flaxseeds: Obtained from the flax plant, flaxseeds are full of omega-3 fats, fiber, and lignans, a substance with estrogen-like qualities.Flaxseeds occur in ground and whole forms in varied prepared foods like crackers, whole-grain cereals, muffins, and breads.Some studies have shown that lignans tend to stimulate some kinds of cancer cells and hence should not be consumed by women with a history of breast, uterine or other estrogen-sensitive cancers.Other research work has shown that lignans tend to suppress growth of cancer cells in some individuals, depending on the hormone levels, the type of cancer, and the amount of flaxseed consumed. Consult your doctor before adding it to your estrogen dominance diet.
- Soy and soy products: Soybeans are full of proteins and phytoestrogens/isoflavones. Some of the abundant sources of soy include soy milk,whole soybeans, soybean curd/tofu, and soy-based substitutes of meat.Soy can either reduce or strengthen the estrogen effects in the body.Soy products tend to reduce the susceptibility to breast cancer development; however some studies have indicated that it may stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells once the disease is already there. Still, some other researchers have found a strong connection between the intake of soy protein and breast cancer susceptibility in premenopausal women. Hence, consult your doctor before removing/adding soy to the estrogen dominance diet.
- High-carb, fatty processed foods: Estrogen levels tend to increase with the intake of a high-carb, high fat diet. Some known sources of high-carb, fatty foods include fried chicken, pastries, milkshakes, and French fries. Limiting or abstaining from fatty and high-carb foods, especially processed carbs and saturated fats, can alleviate inflammation of the body, reduce breast tenderness, and eliminate excess estrogen from the body. Refined-grain products like enriched or white bread, pretzels, and instant rice also need to be avoided.
- Foods to be consumed: Abstaining or limiting the intake of varied foods can result in nutrition deficiency. You can compensate for this adding foods that have similar nutritional components to your estrogen dominance diet. Fortified almond milk, canned salmon, or other calcium rich foods can be eaten to offset calcium loss due to low soy intake; salmon and other cold water fishes are also rich in omega-3 fats like flaxseeds; different vegetables and fruits as well as brown rice and quinoa can be consumed in place of unhealthy fats and processed grains.