The causes of red dots on the roof of the mouth could be any of the following:
- Herpes – The significant spots could reflect the possibility of having oral herpes or even cold sores. They can be caused by the simple herpes virus Type 1, also known as H S V 1. Although the virus is small but it can cause painful blisters inside and outside the mouth. On the other hand cold sores are combined painful abscess filled blisters also known as fever blisters. Oral herpes can be easily transmitted by physical contact with another person who is already infected by the virus. In case a person gets in physical contact with the saliva of the infected person he or she could easily contract the disease. Other factors such as kissing, sharing utensils and other utilities can also transmit the infection. Even though it is not a sexual infection disease it could be easily passed through the genitals but only in very few cases. People who indulge a lot in oral sex can be more vulnerable to contracting herpes from their partner if they are already having it.
- Lesions – The lesions can be present in the form of an itchy and burning rash inside or outside the mouth. They can exist in the form of spots that are white in color and even in the form of lace. The lesions are not contagious and do not convert into cancer. Secondary infections might come with lesions and can also give an uncomfortable pain.
- Candidiasis – It is also known as moniliasis or oral thrush and is easily detectable by the presence of significant red spots inside the mouth. It is a fungal infection and causes white and red cream like patches on the mouth’s surface. Candidiasis can be extremely painful and can also give the patient an extremely bad breath odor. The patient can also have problems in swallowing and chewing the food.
- Erythroplakia- This is one of the major reasons of red spots on the roof of the mouth. In erythroplakia the mouth lining gets thinner and the capillaries come close to the mouth surface which gives it the red colour. These lesions can also bleed if scratched can also cause a possibility of developing cancer. Therefore it is extremely important to seek medical help and have the red spots examined. The reason of this condition is still unknown but is commonly associated with excessive alcohol consumption as well as smoking. Another possible reason could be lack of a nutritious diet.
- Coxsackievirus – This is the same virus responsible for the hand and mouth disease. Coxsackievirus can give painful blisters as well as the red spots on the roof of the mouth, hands and feet. It is commonly found among children below five to six years of age, and among adults too. Treatment choices range from over-the-counter drugs to clinical mouthwashes to reduce the pain and discomfort. In rare cases it could also be a symptom of oral cancer.
- Canker Sores: Having a canker sore is nothing unusual. A lot of people would have one at some stage of their lives. The sores can exist not only on the roof of the mouth but on other places as well. Canker sores are caused because of stress, bad eating habits and being exposed to various irritants. The sores begin with small bumps that are red in color with a white center. One can use easily available over-the-counter medicines to heal the sores.
- Tonsillitis: Red dots can also occur due to tonsillitis and cold.
- Injuries: Sometimes an injury to the palate or to the roof of the mouth can also cause red spots or dots. If you jape your mouth with a hard thing like a pretzel, it can lead to an injury easily as the palate skin is very sensitive. It can also cause lesions, rashes and pain. The lesions can either be like white colored spots or like a lace. However, these injuries are rarely a reason of the red spots and one might not assume them as the only reason for the occurrence of spots or rashes.
Treatment and diagnosis
Without much delay one must seek medical help if there are red spots inside or outside the mouth. Usually the physician examines the dots as well as the medical history of the patient. External symptoms are also examined to possibly narrow down the diagnosis options.