
Low Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is an essential and powerful hormone in the body of a human being with numerous and far reaching functions and effects on its systems. It has the ability to control sex drive (libido), regulate sperm, promote muscle mass, increase energy levels, and influence certain [Read More]

Itchy Skin No Rash

An itchy skin can result from many conditions. In many cases, a small part of your skin will feel itchy for a short period of time while in some cases a larger part of your skin will be affected by the itchiness. The experience of [Read More]

Retracted Eardrum

Many might wonder what the doctor means when they say a person has a retracted eardrum. It is. a condition in which one part of the eardrum is found deeper in the ear than the normal required position. The eardrum is made up of two [Read More]

Enlarged Papillae

Papillae refer to the little structure that looks like thread that occur on the tongue naturally. The Enlarged papillae can be of the following types: Fungiform papillae: These are most often scattered on the whole tongue but more on the sides or the tip of the [Read More]

My wrist hurts when I bend it

Pain in the wrist while bending or moving it often happens to people due to various reasons. At times it is possible that it might have been hurt without us realizing it. However if the pain persists it is recommended to seek a doctor’s help [Read More]

Clay Colored Stool

Normal stool is yellowish or brown in color. This color is imparted to stool by bile fluid that is produced by the liver. Clay colored stool can occur due to a variety of causes that affect bile function, including insufficient drainage of bile from liver [Read More]


Also called impetigo, infantigo is a very contagious infection of the skin that primarily affects children. It is commonly caused by the staphylococcus aureus and sometimes by the streptococcus pyogenes species. The infection is most common in children between ages 2 and 4 years. In [Read More]

What does Sticky Poop Mean?

The way your fecal matter looks and smells says a lot about the overall health you have. More specifically, it is the biggest indicator to know the functioning of the digestive and gastrointestinal system as well as the other possible infections or diseases such as [Read More]

Lamictal Rash

Lamictal, also known as Lamotrigine is the name of a drug that is used to treat epilepsy and mental disorder such as the bipolar disorder. It is also used for treating seizures. Lamictal has been approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration for treating [Read More]

Hay Fever Rash

Do you suffer from a runny nose quite often or do you sneeze a lot? Do you feel itchiness in your eyes or mouth? If yes, then you may be suffering from allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever. This is a very commonly occurring [Read More]