

PUPP rash or Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy are hives like rashes that affects women in pregnancy. Even though its symptoms and conditions are extremely uncomfortable there is hardly any risk for the expecting mother and the baby. The rash usually starts with the [Read More]

How long is Stomach Virus contagious?

Medically known as gastroenteritis, stomach flu is an infection marked by inflammation of the large and small intestines as well as the stomach and varied symptoms like stomach cramping and uneasiness, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. Globally, it is one of the major causes of fatalities [Read More]

Exfoliative Cheilitis

Exfoliativecheilitis is a persistent skin disorder marked by increasing dry and inflamed lips. Patients may suffer from long term peeling of the lips’ skin, flaking, and dryness. Prolonged skin peeling of the lips ultimately results in exposure of raw skin which may then result in [Read More]

Oblique Muscle

The oblique muscles are a part of the four abdominal muscles and are divided into external and internal segments. They are located on the abdominal sides between the rib cage and the hips. Both of them work together to help bend and twist the body [Read More]

Lichen Nitidus

Lichen Nitidus is a skin condition, which is characterized by small pin-sized shiny papules or bumps that cover the surface of skin. These papules appear in clusters or groups. It is not known what causes lichen nitidus. The condition is mainly seen in areas such [Read More]

Fordyce Spots on Lips

Fordyce spots where first described in medical journal by John Addison Fordyce, an American dermatologist. Fordyce spots is a condition that manifests in form of small, pale to yellow colored granules that look like bumps. They appear on lips and other areas of the mouth. [Read More]

What causes White Stuff in Urine?

The urine experiences changes in its color, odor, consistency, suspensions, concentration, and texture. Sometimes, the urine may assume different colors. At other times, it may change its concentration. You may have urine that looks oil or it is cloudy. You may at times, see particles [Read More]

Indian Fire Rash

Indian fire rash is an extremely contagious skin infection, which mainly affects infants and children though it may attack adults. It is possible that you might have heard or encountered it because it is given other names such as impetigo or infantigo. The infection makes [Read More]

Hobo Spider Bite

Hobo spiders are also given the name aggressive house spiders and they can bite. They are mainly found hiding in rock piles or underneath lumber and logs. In homes, they can seek refuge in garages, exteriors of buildings and barns as they find these places [Read More]

Horsefly Bite

Also known as deer flies, forest flies, and March flies, horseflies are big flies that are categorized under the Tabanidae insect family, of the order Diptera. The biggest species from the true flies family, a horsefly looks similar to a housefly, but is darker and [Read More]