2 Months Pregnant – What to Expect?

The second month in a pregnancy does not require any confirmations since the symptoms are quite obvious: Dizziness, morning sickness, demands for sour or salty foods among other signs. The hormonal balance in the organism begins changing, the uterus begins growing and the placenta is aggressively developing. The expectant mother feels sleepy or unusually tired.

The need to visit the toilet to pee becomes very often and the woman will have to visit the bathroom about each half hour. This is because of the fact that the developing uterus asserts lots of pressure on the bladder. At this stage, the size of the fetus is as that of an orange and is located below the share bone, so theoretically, the belly should not enlarge;however, the abdomen grows in size.

Besides the sickness, which begins in the first month of being pregnant, the woman can also be disturbed by increased salivation, vomiting, heartburn and constipation. There are those women who will start eating a lot, while on the contrary, others will complain of appetite loss. The breasts will also continue changing and swelling. Headaches will also become often. Nevertheless, if a woman does not experience all of the above symptoms does not to mean that they are not pregnant. Everybody’s reaction is unique and there are usually no entirely identical pregnancies.

Some symptoms  in the second month include:

  • Swellings
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Headaches
  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive salivation, vomiting and nausea
  • Eating whims and loss of appetite
  • Meteorism, upset stomach and heartburn
  • Swollen breasts, dark nipples, appearance of sudoriferous glands round the nipple area and a noticeable network of vessels
  • Constipations
  • Lack of restraint, anxiety, tearfulness, emotional upheaval, joy, fear and irritability
  • Swellings
  • Skin changes
  • Varicose veins


2 months pregnancy tests

At 2 months, most expectant mothers will have attended the maternity welfare clinics or hospitals. At the clinic, the gynecologist will check the blood pressure and body weight. The medical practitioner will make another appointment that will take the urine and blood tests. The urine test will test for protein and sugar while the blood test will test for syphilis and AIDS.  A vaginal smear will also be taken for microscopic exams.

Another test that will be taken will be the urine test to check for hCG that will help in knowing whether the progress of the pregnancy is normal. A blood test for hemostasis will approximate the coagulability of blood, which will aid in taking precautions against untimely pregnancy interruption. The physician will also examine the legs and arms for potential varicose veins and swelling.

At the start of this second pregnancy month, those pregnant women with the blood group O, with husbands with another kind of blood type, will be prescribed immunoglobulins analysis. The test will aid in preventing any probable immunologic mayhem. The women with thyroid gland issues should be examined at the endocrinologist in the second month of pregnancy.

Fetal development at 2 months pregnant

In this month, the baby is normally well fastened in the uterus. At this stage, the placenta forms steadily since the health and fate of the small human greatly depends on this part of the body. At the start of the second month, the tiny human is about 1.5mm in size. As the month comes to an end, the size will have increased to about 12mm to 20mm.

Some of the tissues that develop in the first month transform to real internal parts. This new creature will have ears, a torso, legs, arms, head and fingers. The face also starts forming. The eyes, palate, nose and lips are formed in this stage too. The genitals also start taking shape. The boys will start producing testosterone. In week five, the basics of future ovules and spermatozoa are shaped. So at this point, the mother will have the future grandchildren in the unborn baby.

Varied glands will appear and the endocrine structure will also be formed. The heart becomes divided to the four compartments, the shallow and major vessels are formed and the liver ducts also appear. The neural tube becomes shut, the brain becomes more intricate and larger, and the legs and arms acquire muscles, enabling the baby to make the very first motions. It is paramount for the expectant mother to consume folic acid since it will aid in forming a healthy neural structure of the future child.

In this stage, the respiratory system is aggressively developing (bronchi, nose, throat and mouth), the blood begins circulating and all other digestive system organs begin forming.



The second month in a pregnancy is very dangerous for most females with hyperandrogenism since in this phase there is a disruption of the hormonal balance and is very unfavorable during pregnancy. The doctor must be contacted if the expectant mother notices excessive hair on the body, narrow hips, an oily face, broad shoulders and pimples.  The doctor must also be visited immediately when the woman has any catarrhal illness since these things can affect the placental development as well as the baby’s and can require some preventive mechanisms and measures.