Blood Clot in Eye

Medically termed as hyposphagma or subconjunctival hemorrhage, blot clot in eye refers to a reddish spot or patch that occurs on the white section of the eye. It often forms suddenly and spontaneously and may change positions.

The conjunctiva is the outermost filament of the eye and covers the white part of the eyes. It has a lot of nerves as well as blood vessels that are fragile and prone to rupture due to accidents and other injuries. Such damage to blood vessels can result in blood clot in eye.

Blood clots in eye tend to vanish on its own over a period of time. However, blood clot in eye that develops due to some kind of severe ocular injury and is accompanied by painful signs and symptoms, then patients need to seek medical treatment. Non-treatment in such case can increase risk to vision disturbances, blurred vision, etc.

Symptoms of blood clot in eye

In most cases blood clot in eye is not accompanied with any serious symptoms. Patients often exhibit a reddish patch or spot in the eyes white section. In severe cases, affected individuals may suffer from the below listed additional signs and symptoms:

  • Ocular pain
  • Ocular irritation and/or itching or other forms of discomfort in eye
  • Sensation of fullness under the affected eyelid or in the affected eye
  • Reduction in sight or blurring of images

Causes of blood clot in eye

A red blood clot in eye typically forms due to some kind of injury to the eye. Other uncommon causes of blood clot in eye are listed below:

  • Constipation
  • Increased strain or stress on the eye
  • Hypertension
  • Underlying case of diabetes mellitus
  • Excessive mental stress
  • Increased use of blood thinning medications or other similar drugs
  • Frequent coughing or sneezing
  • In rare cases, blood clot in eye may develop due to serious infection of the eyes, Vitamin K deficits, and/or underlying case of blood clotting diseases

It may be noted that blood clot in eye is common newborn babies and infants. This is because of the changes in pressure the body of the baby undergoes during delivery.


Patients need to visit a doctor if they are experiencing a severe case of blood clot in eye marked by persistent redness, pain, and/or irritation. The doctor may suggest the below listed tests to diagnose the causative factors of serious blood clot in eye:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging/MRI
  • Computed Tomography or CT scan
  • Electro cardiograms or ECGs

Treatment of blood clot in eye

A blood clot in eye is usually a mild condition that resolves on its own. It does not require any medical treatment.

Severe cases of blood clot that are accompanied by a persistent reddish spot or patch in eye, blurred vision, and/or severe pain, etc., have to be checked by a medical expert. Relevant treatment is then administered as per the diagnostic results.

For minor instances of blood clot in eye, patients may follow the below listed precautions and home remedies:

  • Do not touch the affected eye or rub it. It may worsen the blood clot or trigger ocular bleeding.
  • You may check with doctor and use artificial tears or some other kind of ocular lubrication so as to soothe the irritation, if any, and get relief
  • You may use rose water for cleaning the eyes. The eyes will not only become cleaner, but rose water will also act as a coolant and alleviate irritation and other kinds of ocular discomfort.
  • Discomfort in eye can be eased with cold or ice therapies. Wrap a few ice cubes in a hand towel and place over affected eye to get relief
  • Ocular irritation caused by blood clot in eye can be alleviated with hot/warm compress or heat treatments.
  • Another option is to wet a towel in hot/warm water, rinse it, and then place over the affected eye. This will reduce discomfort and any kind of ocular pain that may be present
  • Garlic has anti-coagulant properties. Hence, eat a few cloves of garlic on a daily basis. This will help dissolve the blood clot in eye.
  • Cucumbers are known to be cool down the eyes and soothe them. You may slice up a cucumber and then place it on the affected eye/eyes. Irritation and other symptoms will dissipate in some time.
  • There are certain exercises specifically designed for the eyes. Consult an ophthalmologist for such ocular exercises and do them as per instructions of the doctor. It will reinvigorate and refresh the eyes. Avoid the exercises if it results in any stress or strain.
  • Avoid sitting in front of the television or a computer for prolonged periods of time. This can strain the eyes and aggravate blood clot in eye.