Earwig Bite

An earwig has a very painful bite that can cause a wide range of symptoms. Basically, they are not venomous, and only use  their pincers to grip the skin, causing pain and discomfort; the bite is actually a pinch and not a bite.

Earwigs are pests because they attack plants. When disturbed, they produce very foul-smelling liquids and will pinch (bite) frequently. The bite feels like a mild electric shock. They use the pincers at the end of their bodies for capturing prey, reproduction and stinging a person or animal that threatens them. The bite of an earwig is painful and can cause bleeding.

Symptoms of an earwig bite

The symptoms of an earwig bite will vary from one person to the next. The bite is not considered dangerous since there is no venom produced, but it can cause other reactions in the body. The size of the bug will also determine the severity of the symptoms; people who are allergic to insect stings will have a more severe reaction. Here are some of the symptoms that you will see when you get bitten.

  • The area if the bite will have two red marks from where the prongs or forceps entered the body
  • There may be some bleeding coming from the bite
  • The tissues surrounding the area of the bite will be red and swollen
  • There will be intense itching in the area
  • If the forceps of the earwig break and are retained in the body, the area will become swollen and hard
  • The earwig be treated immediately or else the bite will develop into a blister which can become septic
  • There is also the possibility of developing cellulitis which is basically an infection of the tissue around the bite

Treatment of an earwig bite

As mentioned earlier, most people will not suffer any serious distress when bitten by an earwig, but for some people, infection of the bite may occur. Therefore, the treatment of an earwig bite should be administered simply to prevent the area from becoming infected or septic. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Use warm water and mild soap to wash the area of the bite. It is advisable to use antibacterial soap which will reduce the chances of an infection taking hold.
  • If you experience some pain and swelling, you should use an ice pack. This helps in numbing the area thereby reducing the pain.
  • After washing the area, pat it dry; do not rub since this will increase the irritation. Apply and anti-inflammatory or anti-itch ointment on the bite.
  • If there is intense swelling, then you should use hydrogen peroxide or Neosporin to prevent the formation of blisters. If you suspect that the forceps of the earwig have been left in your body, do not try to get them out on your own; go and see a doctor.

Control of earwigs

In order to avoid earwig bites, you should control their proliferation in your home. They should be kept out of your home using these simple methods:

  • Avoid having damp and moist areas – Earwigs love moist areas. So try and keep areas dry and they will have nowhere to live. You should pay special attention to dampness in your foundation, basement or walls. Use waterproof cement in these areas.
  • Discard any decaying houseplants – Earwigs will normally get their food from eating garden plants. When you notice any decaying plants in the house, it may be because the earwigs have found their way into your house and are eating them. In order to keep the earwigs out, discard the decaying plants immediately.
  • Close doors and windows at night – Earwigs basically live outdoors, but sometimes, when the nights are too cold, they ill crawl into your home to keep warm. Close the doors and windows to reduce the chances of them getting a way into your home.
  • Use Boric Acid – You should spray boric acid on door slits and other spaces where the earwigs can get in. This acid deters them from entering.
  • Vacuum frequently – in order to be sure that they are not in the house, you should vacuum frequently and pay particular attention to the hidden areas where they can hide during the day.
  • Buy chemical sprays – go to the local store and ask for chemical sprays that you can spray in the hidden areas of your home. This will kill them instantly.

The bite of an earwig is but a nuisance and poses no danger to most people. However, there are chances of contracting infections and other related complications. The best way is to prevent the proliferation of the insects in the first place. When bitten, be quick to clean and disinfect the bite to avoid infection; do not remove any retained forceps without seeing a doctor.