Oily Nose

Oily nose is a condition that you develop when the sebaceous glands on your nose produce too much oil, and your nose will be shining with a short period after you have washed your face. The nose will also have large pores and sometimes may develop blackheads or whiteheads; you may also get cysts and pimples.

Causes of oily nose

Having an oily nose does not mean that you are not clean, but it is just something that comes naturally. Here are some of the common causes of this condition.

  • Genetics – If one of your parents suffered from an oily nose, then you may also develop the condition.
  • Touching – You may unknowingly keep touching your face and nose, and this may lead to an oily nose.
  • Environment – if you are in a hot and humid environment, you may also suffer from this condition.
  • Hormones – Androgens, or the sex hormones may lead to enlarged sebaceous glands and these will produce more oil.
  • Stress – Stress can lead to the production of excess androgens which lead to an oily nose.
  • Exposure to sunlight – When exposed to the sun for too long, the nose will produce more oil to keep the skin from drying.
  • Sebaceous glands – the nose has larger and more active nose glands which can cause this condition to occur.
  • Enlarged nasal skin pores – People with enlarged nasal skin pores will have an oily skin. This enlargement can be due to sex, age and skin type. When it comes to skin type, people with oily skin will definitely have an oily nose most of the time. These people have enlarged nasal skin pores. Similarly, ageing causes the skin to lose its elasticity, and the pores may get enlarged. As concerns sex, men tend to have larger skin pores than women, although ladies pores may get enlarged during their monthly cycle due to changes in hormones.

Treatment of oily nose

Oily nose is mainly treated by use of home remedies, and here are some of them:

Regular washing of the face – You should wash your face and nose frequently through the day. This will keep your skin clean from dust and also moist. This will reduce the need for the skin to produce more oil.

Orange peel and honey – Get some ground dried orange peels and then mix them with one teaspoon of honey in order to make a paste. Apply the paste on the nose and leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes. After this, remove the paste using a clean soft cloth. Wash your whole face afterwards. You should do this at least twice a week, as it will remove excess dirt and most of the oil on your nose.

Vinegar – This is an effective way of cleaning the nose and preventing oily nose. Dilute some apple cider vinegar with water, and then use a cotton ball to soak the mixture and softly rub it over the surface of your nose. Let the mixture stay on your nose for about 10 minutes. Using cool water, wash the mixture from your nose. The vinegar prevents dirt from accumulating on the skin of your nose and also dissolves any excess oil that you may have.

Lemon juice – Simply squeeze fresh juice from a lemon and then dilute it with water. Using a clean cotton ball, softly wipe the surface of your nose repeatedly. This will clean the oil from your nose. You should note that citrus fruits are very effective in removing oil from the surface of the skin, so you can use lime or orange juice too.

Cornstarch – This is also effective in absorbing excess oil from the nasal skin. Add some water to a bowl of cornstarch to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on your nose and let it stay on until it becomes dry and flaky. Rinse the paste from your nose using warm water. Do this at least three times a week.

Skin care products for oily nose

You should only use skin care products that are water-based and formulated specifically for oily skin. This ensures that when you clean your face and nose, the pores do not get clogged as this can lead to the production of excess sebum and can lead to development of blackheads. You should also make sure that you clean your face and nose before you go to bed, even if you are feeling exhausted. Note that excessive cleansing can also lead to the production of more oil, so keep it balanced.

If this problem gets worse, then you may need to go and see a dermatologist who may recommend a different treatment regime for you. Watch what you eat as some foods will lead to the production of more oil.