Pimples on Inner Thigh

Pimples are small lumps that generally form due to clogging of the pores on the skin, which in turn is mostly the outcome of increased sweating. Bacterial infection of these pores can aggravate the condition and cause the pimples to spread to other areas. Patients may experience discomfort, pain, and increased itchiness in affected skin areas on inner thigh.

Pimples can affect the skin on any part of the body, including the inner thigh. Pimples due to heat rash are most common during the summer season as people tend to sweat more in warmer climates. When the pimple-affected inner thighs rub against one another, then patients may feel severe pain and the recovery process may prolong.

Pimples on inner thigh are treated as per the underlying cause. Pimples caused due to bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics and other medications.

Causes of pimples on inner thigh

Some of the common causes of pimples on inner thigh are listed below:

  • Sweating: It is one of the most common causes of pimples on inner thigh. Sweating causes this condition in people of all age groups. The inner thighs are usually covered with clothing and hence tends to sweat more. This is especially true and more prevalent during hot weather conditions.Sweating occurs as part of the temperature regulatory mechanism of the body; release of perspiration from the top layer of skin causes the body to cool down.
    • Increased sweating causes clogging of the pores on the skin, which then prevents the skin from breathing. This eventually triggers the formation of heat rash and pimples on inner thigh. People who wear tight jeans or ill-fitting pants are more prone to increased perspiration and heat rash formation.
  • Acne of the thighs: Thigh acne typically affects the area next to the scrotum.
    • Acne is a type of skin infection that primarily affects teens in the back and facial region. It is marked by the occurrence of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples which gives the skin an ugly appearance. The main cause of acne is increased production of sebum, an oily substance which is secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin. Sebum helps prevent skin dryness and keeps it cool and moist.
    • Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands is what causes increased sebum secretion, which then eventually overrun and clog the tiny pores on the skin. Such clogged pores with elevated sebum deposits offer the ideal environment for the growth and proliferation of bacteria. Subsequently, the bacterial infection causes pimples, blackheads, and inner thigh acne.
  • Folliculitis:Infection of the hair follicles is known as folliculitis. It is marked by formation of reddish pimples on inner thigh and other skin areas which have hair. It is known that each strand of hair grows out from a single hair follicle. Bacterial invasion of these hair follicles is what causes eruption of distinctive pimples with a hair strand emerging from its center.
    • Pimples associated with folliculitis are usually painful and filled with pus. Patients may also experience burning sensations and itchiness in the affected regions.
  • Skin moisturizes, creams, and other skin products: Moisturizers help keep the skin moist and healthy. However, use of moisturizers and other skin products with oil content can result in the development of pimples. This is due to the fact that such oil-based products end up making the skin oily, which in turn increases the skin’s vulnerability to developing blocked pores. Such clogged pores can then trigger pimples on inner thigh and other areas. Use of water based skin creams is preferable as they usually do not block pores.
  • Changes in hormone levels: Hormonal changes and imbalances are most prevalent during menstruation, puberty, and pregnancy. Such imbalances can trigger hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, which in turn produce increased amounts of sebum. Excessive sebum can block the pores, invite bacterial infection, and cause pimples on inner thigh.
  • Other causes: Pimples on inner thighs may also be caused due to:
    • Poor hygiene; nutrition deficits; overexertion; and stress
    • Wearing tight clothes that lead to hair follicle damage
    • Scrapes and cuts on thigh skin which allow the entry of bacteria
    • Sharing personal toiletry items like washcloths, razors, towels, and loofah, etc.
    • Shaving or waxing the hair on inner thigh, which then causes an ingrown hair
    • An impaired immune system
    • Repeated thigh rubbing against each other as evident in overweight and obese persons
    • Irritation or allergic reactions to soaps, chemicals, fabrics, etc.
    • Underlying conditions like diabetes, cellulitis, carbuncles, or pediculus corporis.

pimples on inner thigh

Treatment of pimples on inner thigh

Treatment of pimples on inner thigh involves diagnosing the underlying condition and then treating it as per standard medical therapies. For example, severe folliculitis may be treated with antibiotics and other medications.

Mild cases of pimples on inner thigh can be treated with the below listed home remedies:

  • Make a paste of olive oil and turmeric. Take a hot bath and apply on inner thigh and leave it overnight.
  • Application of diluted tea tree oil or lemon juice can also help get rid of the bacteria and pimples.
  • Acne on inner thighs can be eliminated by using skin creams with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
