Retracted Eardrum

Many might wonder what the doctor means when they say a person has a retracted eardrum. It is. a condition in which one part of the eardrum is found deeper in the ear than the normal required position. The eardrum is made up of two parts – the first one being pars tensa which ultimately is the chief eardrum part, the secondary part is pars flacidda which is smaller as compared to pars tensa. These two parts can be both retracted or only one of the parts can be retracted. Retracted segment of the eardrum is sometimes referred to as the retracted pocket. This condition is also known as tympanic membrane.

Terms like atelectasis or even adhesive otitis media are occasionally used to label pars tensaretraction. This condition mostly affects children who have cleft palate. Over the years some trials have been carried out so as to be able to know the extent effects of the condition, however they have been quite limited.

Causes of retracted eardrum

There are several causes that can prompt this condition to occur. These causes include tumors of the middle ear, serous otitis media, tympanic membrane weaknesses, middle ear negative pressure, enlargement of tympanic membrane surface area. Below is the in- depth discussion of what causes the conditions to occur,

  1. Middle ear negative pressure

When the atmospheric pressure is more than the gas pressure inside the middle segment of ear. The eardrum gets sucked into middle ear area; this is due to Eustachian tube not opening properly plus air absorption that comes from middle ear. Persons that have patulous Eustachian tube can cause the middle ear negative pressure aspect to occur during sniffing.

  1. Tympanic membrane weakness

Collagen protein fibres greatly strengthen the middle part of pars tensa.This may be quite weak on top rear quarter or even when the eardrums heal after they had been perforated. The pars flaccida may be prone to retraction because it lacks the same collagen layer that is responsible for stiffening.

  1. Enlargement of tympanic membrane surface area

New cells are always replacing old cells all over the body. The old cells die and just slough off. The growth of cells on eardrum surface is quite different in that the new cell grows but the old cells are removed through the ear’s canal. If the movement of the old cells does not occur, the new cells will just continue to grow therefore causing the eardrums surface area to enlarge. This can cause the retraction pocket enlargement, thus the eardrum is able grow more in deeper.

  1. Serous otitis media

When a person has an ear infection, accumulation of the fluids tend to take place in the inner part of the ear which is the eardrum. The fluids can sometimes clog up the Eustachian tube. This is bad because it prevents air entry into the inner part of the ear thus causing retracted eardrum.

  1. Tumors of the middle ear

Occurrence of some tumor in the region of naso-pharynx can therefore cause the obstruction of the Eustachian tube, sometimes this scenario result in the eardrum being sucked inwards therefore leading to this condition. Tumors can be due to several reasons but it advisable for one to undergo some tests to see if the tumor is cancerous.



High sensitivity that has been elevated is a very common symptom wherein the affected person hears sounds louder than what is heard normally. Patients may endure ear pains. If a person experiences such ordeals they should consult an ear specialist and should not ignore the symptoms. Consulting with a specialist aids one to be able to know the cause of the problem and ways of treating the problem.



This condition can be treated using several methods; it all depends on the cause of the condition in the first place. One should avoid self diagnosis since one cannot be sure about the underlying cause of the issue. It is therefore, recommended for one to visit a doctor so as to be treated.

  1. Close monitoring

Some of the causes of this condition just require a doctor to monitor the patient. The retraction can remain quite stable for sometime and afterwards may just heal on its own. The condition may just be reversed natural to their normal state.

  1. Middle ear increased pressure

Increasing of the middle earforce can make the eardrum that has been retracted to be pushed out of the middle ear area. This can be quite a painful ordeal but consequently a person’s hearing might improve.

  1. Nasal treatment

This method is meant to improve the function of the Eustachian tube which is an important player in the formation of the retraction of eardrums.

  1. Surgery

This involves the complete removal of the retracted segment. When healing occurs a more normal eardrum can occur. Also in some cases laser surgery can be used to reduce the retraction pockets.