
Waking Up Dizzy

Sensation of lightheadedness, fainting, vertigo, imbalance, and/or unsteadiness is referred to as dizziness. It is an unspecific symptom which can occur as a sign of different underlying conditions. This is one of the reasons why patients need to seek medical attention if they wake up [Read More]

Amelogenesis Imperfecta

Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a condition marked by a group of rare inherited developmental abnormalities of the tooth and tooth enamel. Affected teeth are very small, pitted, ridged, and very susceptible to rapid wear and cracking/breakage. Amelogenesis imperfecta is currently classified into 4 main types [Read More]

Explosive Diarrhea

Explosive diarrhea is a serious kind of diarrhea marked by extreme urge for frequent bowel movements. Patients keep using the toilet after every few minutes. They keep going in and out of the rest room as if they have no control of the bowel movements. [Read More]

Swollen Taste Buds

Taste buds help detect varied tastes of food like sweet, bitter, sour, etc. They have receptor cells which are attached to different nerve bundles and are present on the tip, sides, and back area of tongue. Swollen taste buds may be harmless and occur due [Read More]


Photodermatitis is a skin condition caused by adverse reaction of immune system to contact with ultraviolet rays of sunlight. Scaling, skin rash, and blistering may be experienced by patients. The symptoms and its intensity differ from one affected person to another and the condition can [Read More]

Red Palms

The condition of red palms is medically known as palmar erythema or PE. It can occur due to varied causative factors and/or underlying conditions of the circulatory, hormonal, or thyroid regulatory systems, etc. People with red palms need to consult a doctor for correct diagnosis [Read More]

Green Tongue

A normal tongue is smooth and reddish or pinkish in color. Green tongue may occur due to infections and injuries of the tongue or the oral cavity. In most cases, green tongue is a symptom of some other systemic health issue or localized problem of [Read More]

Hot Tub Rash

While it is always a sense of enjoyment in enjoying a hot tub bath, there is an inherent possible risk of developing rash on skin. Commonly known as ‘hot tub rash’, it has a medical term, hot tub folliculitis. It develops as a result of [Read More]

White Stuff in Stool – What is it?

You might have experienced white stuff in your poop. The change of the color in stool varies to various factors such as the foods eaten and the physical health of an individual. Isolated appearance of the white substance can be ignored but subsequent appearances may [Read More]

What Does It Mean When Your Poop Is Black

Stool color usually tells a lot about your health. Although stool color may vary from one individual to another depending on the lifestyle, there are particularly peculiar characteristics exhibited by some stool that may be a cause of concern. For a normal healthy individual, their [Read More]