
Fat In Stool

Stool is made up of many components including water, mucus, bacteria, fiber, various cell linings, salts, proteins, and fats. Having too much fat in stool is termed as steatorrhea and it can be a sign that there is malabsorption occurring in a person’s body. The [Read More]

White Stuff in Stool – What is it?

You might have experienced white stuff in your poop. The change of the color in stool varies to various factors such as the foods eaten and the physical health of an individual. Isolated appearance of the white substance can be ignored but subsequent appearances may [Read More]

What Does It Mean When Your Poop Is Black

Stool color usually tells a lot about your health. Although stool color may vary from one individual to another depending on the lifestyle, there are particularly peculiar characteristics exhibited by some stool that may be a cause of concern. For a normal healthy individual, their [Read More]

Greasy Stool

The yellow colour of stool, which is oily and greasy, having a highly unpleasant smell, is a result of irregular fat metabolism. Proper digestion of fats takes place with the help of bile and pancreatic digestive enzyme. When there occurs a lacuna in proper fat [Read More]

Orange Oily Stool

Orange oily stool is due to the presence of excess fat in the stool. Due to heavy gas, stools may tend to float. How much fecal fat constitutes streatorrhea (fat in stool) has not been standardized. Causes of orange oily stool There are many causes [Read More]

Orange Colored Stool

Normal stool is usually brown or yellowish in color. This color is imparted to feces by bilirubin and iron that occur in high levels in stool. The yellowish-orange colored bilirubin occurs in the bowels and gets passed to feces when it passes through it. Causes [Read More]

Black Tarry Stool

Black tarry stool is a state wherein stool is black or dark red in color. This condition may be normal in few cases but also it may be a sign of internal bleeding or of damagein the gastrointestinal tract. Some signs and symptoms that may [Read More]

White Specks in Stool

Many people complain about spotting white specks in their stool which isn’t that rare a problem. Different foods or medications could be the major reason behind this problem. The normal stool color is brownish as the bile salts, and other digestive agents are made by [Read More]

Black Dots in Stool

Healthy stool is normally brown in color. It is initially green and then turns bright yellowish as it passed across the digestive tract. Later, due to the action of bile, bacteria, bilirubin, protein, fat, water, broken down RBCs, and cellulose and other indigestible plant matter, [Read More]

Black Specks in Stool

Feces of a healthy person is brown in color. Black specks in stool are often an indication of some kind of internal bleeding. Such bleeding may occur due to varied conditions affecting the intestines, bowels, and other organs of the digestive system. Black specks in [Read More]