Zika Virus – Effects
There have been reports of serious birth defects of the brain called microcephaly caused by the Zika virus. In this case the head of the baby is smaller than expected as compared to babies of the same sex or age. Knowledge of outcome of such cases is evolving but the following precautions needs to be taken. There have been cases in which an autoimmune disease known as Guillain Barre Syndrome has been witnessed in people infected with Zika Virus.
Women who are pregnant must consider postponing their travel to countries where Zika virus is present. If one does have to travel, then consultation with a concerned doctor is essential. Also before one wants to become pregnant, it is necessary to talk to the doctor about the plans to become pregnant and the risk of Zika virus infection. Using an insect repellent during pregnancy is absolutely safe. However FPA registered and approved insect repellents must be used. Also it is important that the product be used according to the product label. There is no evidence that Zika virus infection can pose a risk in further pregnancies.
Countries Affected
Zika the virus first broke out in Brazil and then soon areas coming under Africa, South East Asia and the Pacific Islands. The Pan American Health Organization was the first to issue an alert regarding this virus in May 2015. In places like Puerto Rico, Samoa and Virgin Islands there have been cases of the Zika virus being transmitted locally. However with returning travelers there could definitely be an increase in the United States of America. El Salvador asked women not to get pregnant till 2018.
On January 24, 2016, the World Health Organization said that Zika Virus will spread to all nations in the Americas with the exception of Continental Chile and Canada, because the specific mosquito type Aedes Aegpyti exists in all these countries. The WHO also said that by 2016, nearly 4 million people will be infected.
The Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected Aedes species of mosquito. These are the same type of mosquito that causes dengue and chikugunya viruses. Eggs of these mosquitoes are laid in and around stagnant water like buckets, pots, mugs and vases. Both people living indoors or outdoors are easily infected by the bite of these mosquitoes. Mosquitoes that cause Zika, dengue and chikugunya are aggressive day biters. The virus is passed from the mother to the baby during pregnancy. However there are no reported cases of babies being affected during breast feeding because mothers are encouraged to breastfeed even where there are cases of Zika virus. The spread of Zika virus has also been reported through blood transfusion and sexual intercourse.
Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
The symptoms are fever, rash, joint pains and inflammation of the eyes or better called conjunctivitis. Other common symptoms are head ache and muscle pain. The illness is associated with symptoms lasting from a few days to at least a week. The Zika virus remains in the blood for a few days but till date no deaths have been reported
The symptoms of the Zika virus are similar to that of dengue and chikugunya.
There is no treatment or medication for the patient suffering from Zika virus. However the following precautions can be taken.
- Plenty of rest needs to be taken.
- Intake of fluids must be increased to prevent dehydration.
- Drugs like acetaminophen may be taken as a pain reliever
- Aspirin should never be taken or any anti inflammatory drug such as Ibubrufen. This is to reduce the risk of bleeding.
During the first week of infection the Zika virus can be found in the blood and is passed from the infected person to another through sexual intercourse or blood transfusion. An infected mosquito can then pass on the virus to the next person by the bite.
Zika Virus – Pictures
While traveling to countries where the Zika virus exists, one must take the following precautions.
- Long sleeved shirts and pants must be worn so s not to leave any exposed skin.
- Places having window and door screens or nets must be used for staying so s to keep the mosquito outside.
- Sleeping under a mosquito net is beneficial to avoid being bitten.
- Use insect repellents and spray the area where one is sitting or sleeping.
- Do not spray repellent on the skin or clothing.
- Do not use repellent where there are babies younger than two months of age.
- Dress the child in clothing that covers the entire body. Cover the crib or baby walker with netting.
- Always wash hands after using any repellent.