Blood in Urine (Male) – No Pain

Blood in urine in men can occur due to a variety of different causes, some harmless and some due to underlying diseases. It can occur with or without pain. The condition of blood in urine is medically referred to as hematuria. The occurrence of blood in urine in males without pain is one of the main causes of delayed diagnosis and treatment, which in turn can result in development of more serious chronic conditions.

Some of the common causes of blood in urine in men without pain are listed below.

  • Urinary tract infections: The urinary system is made up of the ureters, bladder, urethra, and kidneys, etc. It may sometimes suffer from infection by bacteria or other microorganisms, thereby causing a UTI. The bacteria enter the tract from the urethra or from the bloodstream. The infection can damage the blood vessels in the urinary tract as well as the bladder, kidneys, and other renal tissues. This can lead to bleeding which gets eliminated as blood in urine, with or without pain.
    • Men with UTI may suffer from symptoms like burning sensations when passing urine, cloudy urine, smelly urine, and increased urinary urgency. The infection is usually treated with antibiotics, painkillers, and other drugs as well as lifestyle changes.
  • Kidney disorders: Different kinds of kidney diseases can cause painless hematuria in men. Some of these kidney disorders are:
    • Glomerulonephritis and other ailments of the glomeruli, the filtering membrane of the kidneys, may be marked by blood in urine in men with no pain. Patients may also experience reduced urine output and swollen hands, feet, ankles, and face.
    • Pyelonephritis and other infections of the kidneys can cause swelling and inflammation of the kidney tissues which may result in minor bleeding. In addition to blood in urine with no pain, affected men may also experience smelly urine, appetite loss, weight loss, fever, weakness, and edema, etc.
    • Arteriovenous fistulas which refers to elevated presence of blood vessels in the urinary tract and kidneys. These excess blood vessels get removed via urine, thereby causing painless hematuria in men.
    • Kidney stones are crystallized forms of uric acid, calcium, oxalates and other minerals that naturally occur in urine. The stones can damage the kidney tissues and cause bleeding. Such blood is eliminated via urine. Kidney stones may cause no pain, but when the stones pass into the urinary tract, then patients may suffer from severe pain in the flanks. All kidney diseases are treated with medications, surgery, or other therapies.
  • Cancer/Tumors: Malignancies such as bladder cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, etc., as well as the growth of cysts and/or tumors in the urinary system can cause blood in urine with or without pain in men. The tumors put pressure on the surrounding tissues and blood vessels which cause bleeding and hematuria. Cancers are treated with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and/or surgery.
  • Sickle cell anemia: It is one of the most common causes of blood in urine in men without pain. It is a hereditary disease marked by occurrence of anomalous red blood cells that are shaped like sickles. These abnormal RBCs cannot carry adequate amounts of oxygen across the body. As the cells are abnormal and function inefficiently, they get removed from the body via urine, thereby causing hematuria. Sickle cell anemia has no cure. Consult a doctor for control and management of symptoms.
  • Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy/BPH: It is a condition marked by enlargement of the prostate gland. This gland is located under the bladder and covers the first part of urethra. A bigger prostate gland can exert pressure in the nearby glands, blood vessels, and tissues of the urinary system which may result in bleeding.
    • In addition to blood in urine with no pain, affected men will also experience symptoms like urinary incontinence, incomplete emptying of the bladder, urination problems, and frequent urination. BPH is usually treated with medications and/or surgery.
  • Use of medications: The use of certain drugs like antibiotics, quinine, penicillin, warfarin, phenytoin, aspirin, heparin, rifampin, and cyclophosphamide, the anti-cancer drug can result in blood in urine in men without any pain. Affected males should consult a doctor for alternative medications if painless hematuria due to medication intake is a regular feature.
  • Vigorous workouts: Blood in urine in men with no pain can also occur due to intense physical activities such as running, aerobic exercises, and strenuous workouts, or due to dehydration caused by such activities. The underlying cause is not known, but this issue is usually temporary.
  • Trauma: Injuries to the abdomen and pelvic region because of vehicular accidents, falls, etc. can result in damage of the urinary system tissues and subsequent bleeding. If the internal bleeding is minor, then affected men may experience blood in urine without pain. Seek immediate medical attention if hematuria does not resolve and continues for more than a few days.
