
Wolf Spider Bite – What you need to know

Wolf spiders are also referred to as hunting spiders. They are about half an inch to two inches in length. They are typically gray or brown with various stripes and marks on their back. Those markings are often called the ‘Union Jack’ impressions. Unlike web [Read More]

Pinched Occipital Nerve

What is Occipital Nerve? The sensations felt at the top and back head is transmitted to brain by two greater occipital nerves, one running on each side of head. The nerves emerge amidst the spinal cord in the upper neck regions, making their way through [Read More]

What is a Scalloped Tongue?

A scalloped tongue is one which has dent marks on the sides. These dent marks or indentations typically develop because of the force of teeth when the tongue presses against it. The condition is also known by other names like pie crust tongue, crenated tongue, [Read More]

Treacher Collins Syndrome

Treacher Collins Syndrome is a rare bone condition. It affects the development of facial bones and other tissues. The symptoms of this disorder vary depending on the person. In some cases, the symptoms are hardly noticeable. This is disorder is so rare that it is [Read More]

Genitofemoral Nerve

The genitofemoral nerve starts from the roots of the first 2 lumbar nerves, i.e., the L1 and L2 segment of the spinal cord. It is a mixed nerve that consists of major sensory fibers and innervates the male and female genitals as well as the [Read More]

What is Water Intoxication?

Water intoxication also called as ‘water poisoning’ occurs when the normal level of electrolyte crosses the safe limit as a manifestation of over hydration.  Though it is a rare case, but   consumption of excess water or drinking excess fluid can result in the severe case [Read More]

Black Specks In Mucus

The mucus mainly functions as a defense component for the body. It bars bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens from getting into contact with delicate surfaces of the throat and other chambers, thereby preventing infections. Mucus itself can also serve as a good indicator for problems [Read More]

Blood in Urine (Male) – No Pain

Blood in urine in men can occur due to a variety of different causes, some harmless and some due to underlying diseases. It can occur with or without pain. The condition of blood in urine is medically referred to as hematuria. The occurrence of blood [Read More]

Microscopic Hematuria

Microscopic hematuria is a condition in which there occurs a small amount of blood in urine. The quantity of blood is so little, that it is invisible to the naked eye. It can only be seen through microscopic examination in the urine test. The amount [Read More]

Greasy Stool

The yellow colour of stool, which is oily and greasy, having a highly unpleasant smell, is a result of irregular fat metabolism. Proper digestion of fats takes place with the help of bile and pancreatic digestive enzyme. When there occurs a lacuna in proper fat [Read More]