
Brown spots on bottom of feet

Brown spots on bottom of feet can be something as simple as age spots or hyper-pigmentation or it can be a symptom of serious underlying diseases. A few causes of brown spots on bottom of feet along with the associated signs and symptoms and treatment [Read More]

Hot Tub Rash

While it is always a sense of enjoyment in enjoying a hot tub bath, there is an inherent possible risk of developing rash on skin. Commonly known as ‘hot tub rash’, it has a medical term, hot tub folliculitis. It develops as a result of [Read More]

White Stuff in Stool – What is it?

You might have experienced white stuff in your poop. The change of the color in stool varies to various factors such as the foods eaten and the physical health of an individual. Isolated appearance of the white substance can be ignored but subsequent appearances may [Read More]

Red Spots on Roof of Mouth

Sores inside lip and tongue, in the mouth, red spots inside nose etc; are painful but the red spots on the roof of mouth near nose and lips not only gives a shabby look but can also be a concern for an individual suffering with [Read More]