The menstrual blood can turn black not just once but quite often in the entire life of menstrual cycle. The blood is black usually because it has been there in the uterus or vagina for some days which gets released later than expected. Thus the blood is in an oxidized state due to its long stay in the vagina or uterus. Women who generally experience delayed periods often experience black menstrual blood. According to the doctors, it is a normal state and not a serious problem.
Causes of black blood during period
Black blood during periods isn’t a serious issue and can be taken normally. However if the black blood is accompanied by pain, cramps and extends for a longer time than the period cycle with a heavier flow, then it should be taken care of. It is therefore better to consult a gynecologist. Some of the reasons for black blood are:
- Late periods
Black blood in the end of period cycle is a very common occurrence. The blood gets oxidized and becomes old which is later thrown out.
- Menstrual disorders
A lot of women these days have different menstrual disorders. The menses in such a case are often delayed for weeks and even months. The blood gets retained in the uterus or the vagina and gets covered by the hymen, which further restricts the flow of blood, until it is pushed from the uterus. When women turn older, the cervix gets narrow which can also delay the periods. Some young women who have PCOD or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also go through similar problems.
- Vaginal infections
If a person is already suffering from some vaginal infection, the black or brown blood discharge is a common thing to happen. The infection can be sexually transmitted or occur due to bacterial overgrowth usually present in the vaginal area. In this condition, the blood can also be accompanied with a foul smell or pain in pelvic area.
- Miscarriage
In very rare cases, unexpected black blood discharge can also indicate a miscarriage. During pregnancy or if you are planning to conceive, it is very important to be careful about the menstrual cycle. The black blood can indicate a miscarriage or abortion.
- Anxiety, Stress and depression
During the phase of stress or depression, the inner walls of uterus get thin which can further cause a delay in the shedding of the wall of uterus, thus affecting the menstrual cycle.
- Medications
The black blood in period can also be caused by the medications that one is consuming. For instance, taking contraceptive pills leads to the discoloration of menstrual blood.
Black blood in menstruation is not a disease, but at times it could be another symptom of an underlying biological disorder or some major change in the female body. In order to cure what is important is to find the underlying cause through a proper evaluation. It is also important to eventually stick to the medical treatment after finding out the reason. If you are experiencing black blood towards the end of the period then it is perfectly normal, as blood clotting or changes in the lifestyle interfere with the menstrual cycle often. Therefore getting anxious due to the small changes isn’t a good idea. However if it happens abruptly then you must consult a gynecologist, especially during pregnancy.
Some preventive measures that can be taken to ensure regular and normal period blood flow are as follows:
- Increasing the intake of water is very important. It not only cleans the body of all the toxins but also prevents the blood from getting oxidized or retaining it in the uterus or vagina.
- It is also important to keep exercising in order to keep menstrual disorders away. Women suffering from PCOD must have a regular exercise regime.
- Along with exercising it is also important to have a healthy diet in order to keep the blood flow regulated. Caffeinated and carbonated drinks, junk food and untimely meals should be avoided.